RUSSO, Diego
RUSSO, Diego
Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute
A call to action: Now is the time to screen elderly and treat osteosarcopenia, a position paper of the italian college of academic nutritionists med/49 (ican-49)
2020-01-01 Montalcini, T.; Pujia, A.; Donini, L. M.; Frittitta, L.; Galvano, F.; Natali, A.; Pironi, L.; Porrini, M.; Riso, P.; Rivellese, A. A.; Russo, D.; Scapagnini, G.; Serafini, M.; Tagliabue, A.; De Lorenzo, A.
A case of anaplastic Diffuse Large B-Cell Thyroid Lymphoma: unique immunophenotype and unusual clinical presentation
2010-01-01 Bruno, R; Giannasio, P; Poggiaspalla, M; Carbone, A; Bellitti, P; Costante, G; Russo, D.
A case of metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma: early identification before surgery of a ret proto-oncogene somatic mutation in fine needle aspirate specimen
1997-01-01 Russo, D.; Chiefari, E.; Meringolo, D.; Bianchi, D.; Bellanova, B.; Filetti, S.; Arturi, F
A case of metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma: Early identification before surgery of an RET proto-oncogene somatic mutation in fine-needle aspirate specimens
1997-01-01 Russo, D.; Arturi, F.; Chiefari, E.; Meringolo, D.; Bianchi, D.; Bellanova, B.; Filetti, S.
A hyperfunctioning Hurtle cell thyroid carcinoma with a mutation in the thyrotropin receptor
1997-01-01 Russo, D.; Arturi, F; Chiefari, E.; Wong, M. G.; Crocetti, U.; Costante, G.; Clark, O. H.; Filetti, S.
A large family with hereditary MTC: role of RET genetic analysis in differential diagnosis between MEN 2A and FMTC
2001-01-01 Chiefari, E.; Chiarella, R.; Tardio, B.; Arturi, F; Trischitta, V.; Filetti, S.; Zingrillo, M.; Russo, D.
A new germline VHL gene mutation in three patients with apparently sporadic pheochromocytoma.
2013-01-01 D’Elia, Av; Grimaldi, F; Pizzolitto, S; De Maglio, G; Bregant, E; Passon, N; Verrienti, A; Tamburrano, G; Durante, C; Filetti, S; Fogolari, F; Russo, D; Damante, G.
A new structural model for the thyrotropin (TSH) receptor, as determined by covalent cross-linking of TSH to the recombinant receptor in intact cells: Evidence for a single polypeptide chain
1991-01-01 Russo, D.; Chazenbalk, G. D.; Nagayama, Y.; Wadsworth, H. L.; Seto, P.; Rapoport, B.
A new structural model for the Thyrotropin receptor as determined by covalent crosslinking of Thyrotropin to the recombinant receptor in intact cells: evidence for a single polypeptide chain.
1991-01-01 Russo, D; Chazenbalk, Gd; Nagayama, Y; Wadsworth, Hl; Seto, P; Rapoport, B.
A novel de novo germ-line V292M mutation in the extracellular region of RET in a patient with phaeochromocytoma and medullary thyroid carcinoma: Functional characterization
2010-01-01 Castellone, Md; Verrienti, A; Rao, Dm; Sponziello, M; Fabbro, D; Muthu, M; Durante, C; Maranghi, M; Damante, G; Pizzolitto, S; Costante, G; Russo, D; Santoro, M; Filetti, S
A novel de novo germ-line V292M mutation in the extracellular region of RET in a patient with pheochromocytoma and medullary thyroid carcinoma: Functional characterization
2010-01-01 Castellone, Md; Verrienti, A; Rao, Dm; Sponziello, M; Fabbro, D; Muthu, M; Durante, C; Maranghi, M; Damante, G; Pizzolitto, S; Costante, G; Russo, D.; Santoro, M; Filetti, S
A novel germline VHL gene mutation in two different patients with pheochromocytoma.
2011-01-01 Grimaldi, F; D’Elia, Av; Durante, C; Russo, D; Filetti, S; Damante, G.
A novel mutation in the thyrotropin (TSH) receptor gene causing loss of TSH binding but constitutive receptor activation in a family with resistance to TSH
2000-01-01 Russo, D.; Betterle, C.; Arturi, F.; Chiefari, E.; Girelli, M. E.; Filetti, S.
A novel mutation in the Thyrotropin receptor gene causing loss of TSH binding but constitutive activation in a family with resistance to TSH
2000-01-01 Russo, D.; Betterle, C.; Arturi, F.; Chiefari, E.; Girelli, M. E.; Filetti, S.
A novel mutation in the thyrotropin receptor gene causing loss of TSH binding but constitutive receptor activation in a family with resistence to TSH
2000-01-01 Russo, D.; Betterle, C.; Arturi, F; Chiefari, E.; Girelli, M. E.; Filetti, S.
A Phe 486 thyrotropin receptor mutation in an autonomously functioning follicular carcinoma that was causing hyperthyroidism
2000-01-01 Camacho, P.; Gordon, D.; Chiefari, E.; Yong, S.; Dejong, S.; Pitale, S.; Russo, D.; Filetti, S.
A Phe 486 TSH receptor mutation in a autonomously functioning follicular carcinoma that was causing hyperthyroidism
2000-01-01 Camacho, P.; Gordon, D; Chiefari, E.; Yong, S.; Dejong, S.; Pitale, S.; Russo, D.; Filetti, S.
A synonymous RET substitution enhances the oncogenic effect of an in-cis missense mutation by increasing constitutive splicing efficiency.
2018-01-01 Pecce, V; Sponziello, M; Damante, G; Rosignolo, F; Durante, C; Lamartina, L; Grani, G; Russo, D; di Gioia, Cr; Filetti, S; Verrienti, A.
A thyroid follicular cancer presenting as a hot nodule and hyperfunctioning because of an activating mutation of the TSH receptor
1996-01-01 Russo, D.; Belfiore, A.; Tumino, S.; Arturi, F; Pontecorvi, A.; Chiefari, E.; Grasso, G.; Pezzino, V.; Filetti, S.
A Val 677 activating mutation of the Thyrotropin receptor in a Hürthle cell thyroid carcinoma associated with thyrotoxicosis
1999-01-01 Russo, D.; Wong, Mg; Costante, G; Chiefari, E; Treseler, Pa