International relations in the air transport field have been based on the model of open skies proposed by the United States. To date, over a hundred such agreements have been concluded. These treaties recognize to carriers having the nationality of the Contracting States free access to all routes, with no limits of capacity and frequencies, in order to allow them the exercise of third and fourth freedom and the execution of connecting flights to third countries, beyond their respective territories, ensuring the fifth freedom rights. The large deregulation originated by these alliances has involved an increased offer of services and rates increasingly lower at the same time. This process could be compromised by the new reorganization of the air transport market, nowadays characterized by the prominent role assumed by Persian Gulf companies. The paper aims to reconstruct the new framework, focusing the attention inter alia on latest ownership structure.
Le relazioni internazionali in materia di trasporto aereo sono state improntate sul modello degli open skies proposto dagli Stati Uniti che, ad oggi, hanno concluso più di cento accordi di questo tipo. Tali intese riconoscono ai vettori aventi nazionalità degli Stati contraenti il libero accesso a tutte le rotte, con capacità e frequenze illimitate, consentendo loro lʼesercizio dei diritti di terza e quarta libertà e lʼesecuzione di voli in prosecuzione verso i Paesi terzi, oltre i rispettivi territori, garantendo così i diritti di quinta libertà. La grande spinta liberalizzatrice apportata da tali alleanze ha generato una maggiore offerta di servizi e tariffe sempre più basse. Tale processo potrebbe essere compromesso dal nuovo riassetto del mercato del trasporto aereo che si caratterizza, in questo periodo, per il ruolo preminente assunto dalle compagnie del Golfo Persico. Lo scritto mira a ricostruire i nuovi equilibri emergenti anche a seguito dei nuovi assetti societari.
Dagli Open Skies ai «Fair Skies»: questioni emergenti nel mercato liberalizzato del trasporto aereo
International relations in the air transport field have been based on the model of open skies proposed by the United States. To date, over a hundred such agreements have been concluded. These treaties recognize to carriers having the nationality of the Contracting States free access to all routes, with no limits of capacity and frequencies, in order to allow them the exercise of third and fourth freedom and the execution of connecting flights to third countries, beyond their respective territories, ensuring the fifth freedom rights. The large deregulation originated by these alliances has involved an increased offer of services and rates increasingly lower at the same time. This process could be compromised by the new reorganization of the air transport market, nowadays characterized by the prominent role assumed by Persian Gulf companies. The paper aims to reconstruct the new framework, focusing the attention inter alia on latest ownership structure.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.