According to LRB.36.1, if a mother wished to take up the guardianship of her children, she would have the right of being preferred to the adgnati. This preference in comparision with adgnati would seem to be an innovative aspect compared to the Roman legal system in force at the time of the emission of the Lex Romana Burgundionum. As a matter of fact, Cth. (390 A.D.) lays down that mothers, upon request, could be appointed as their children’s guardians but in the absence of a tutor legitimus. This principle continued to be applied up to the Age of Justinian, as is seen not only from the insertion of Cth. 3.17.4 into the Codex (C.5.35.2), but also from C.5.35.3 (530 A.D.), which, by assigning to women the right of taking up the guardianship of their natural children, reaffirmed the granting to the mother of filii iusti in a subordinate way, that is only when both the testamentary and lawful guardians were absent. Bearing in mind what the content of LB.85.1, I finally concluded that such a difference was a consequence of the influence of German family model which the Burgundians longed for.
Secondo LRB.36.1 la madre che avesse inteso assumere la tutela dei propri figli avrebbe avuto il diritto di essere preferita agli adgnati. Questa prevalenza sugli adgnati sembrerebbe costituire un aspetto innovativo rispetto all’ordinamento romano “ufficiale” vigente al tempo di emanazione della Lex Romana Burgundionum. Infatti Cth. (390 d. C.) disponeva che le madri avrebbero potuto, su richiesta, essere nominate tutrici dei loro figli ma in mancanza del tutore legittimo. Tale principio aveva continuato a trovare applicazione fino all’età di Giustiniano, come risulta non solo dall’inserimento di Cth.3.17.4 nel Codex (C.5.35.2) ma anche da C.5.35.3 (530 d.C.) che, nel riconoscere alla donna la facoltà di assumere la tutela dei figli naturali, ribadiva l’affidamento alla madre dei filii iusti in via subordinata, e cioè solo qualora mancassero e il tutore testamentario e il legittimo. Tenuto conto di quanto disposto in LB.85.1, si è ipotizzato, infine, che una tale differenza di regime possa esser dipesa dall’influenza del modello germanico di famiglia cui si ispiravano i Burgundi.
La prevalenza della madre nella chiamata alla tutela: un aspetto innovativo della Lex Romana Burgundionum
According to LRB.36.1, if a mother wished to take up the guardianship of her children, she would have the right of being preferred to the adgnati. This preference in comparision with adgnati would seem to be an innovative aspect compared to the Roman legal system in force at the time of the emission of the Lex Romana Burgundionum. As a matter of fact, Cth. (390 A.D.) lays down that mothers, upon request, could be appointed as their children’s guardians but in the absence of a tutor legitimus. This principle continued to be applied up to the Age of Justinian, as is seen not only from the insertion of Cth. 3.17.4 into the Codex (C.5.35.2), but also from C.5.35.3 (530 A.D.), which, by assigning to women the right of taking up the guardianship of their natural children, reaffirmed the granting to the mother of filii iusti in a subordinate way, that is only when both the testamentary and lawful guardians were absent. Bearing in mind what the content of LB.85.1, I finally concluded that such a difference was a consequence of the influence of German family model which the Burgundians longed for.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.