The experience of autobiographical writing is both educational and full of meaning. It can be seen as a sort of magnifying glass through which you can look at your own life picking all the small details and hidden meanings, the ones that often slip away while speaking, in the words that are not just spoken but are often the key to interpret the events, attitudes and behaviors. It is a transformative and educational experience that usually returns a subject who is aware of oneself, of his abilities, skills, possibilities and experiences. My involvement in autobiographical writing goes in this direction. Telling a story means, first of all, telling a story to yourself, since the act of remembering engages the person in a double-writing process: the fact/the event, that is the subject of the story, and the author. The autobiographical writing does have the ability to put into dialogue the dimensions of the mind, conscious and unconscious ones, to make interact external reality with internal reality, to promote the matching between commemoration and forgetfulness, making the person protagonist and at the same time spectator of the events.A long side the growing possibility of the therapeutic use of autobiographical writing: processing of a trauma, interpretation of the text and restorative function, re-appropriation of your own life, etc., not less important is the possibility that it offers as an emotional shock absorber in the moment of crisis of the person, since his appointment with the writing, and then with himself, keeps him anchored to reality and away from the danger of existential confusion, by virtue of his commitment in writing, which allows him to cross, albeit with small movements, the place of existential stumbling gradually gaining a longer a further look on the events told.My experience on autobiographical writing goes in this direction. It is not only the story of a difficult and complex event but the picture of a way of being, acting and looking at things, of an inner world in brief, that was offered to the eye by means of autobiographical storytelling. The writing had a strong ability to not only of representation but also of transformation. The latter, thanks to writing, is still ongoing.
L’esperienza della scrittura autobiografica è formativa e densa di significati. Una sorta di lente di ingrandimento attraverso la quale è possibile guardare alla propria vita cogliendone piccoli dettagli esignificati nascosti, proprio quelli che spesso sfuggono all’oralità, alle parole soltanto dette, e che invece sono spesso la chiave interpretativa di accadimenti, atteggiamenti, comportamenti. È un’esperienza formativa e trasformativa che quasi sempre restituisce un soggetto più consapevole di sé, delle sue abilità, capacità, possibilità, del suo vissuto. Raccontare significa, innanzitutto, raccontare a se stessi poiché l’atto di ricordare impegna il soggetto in un doppio processo di scrittura: del fatto/evento, oggetto della narrazione, e di se stesso. La scrittura autobiografica ha infatti la capacità di mettere in dialogo le dimensioni della mente, dimensione conscia e dimensione inconscia, di fare interagire la realtà esterna con la realtà interna, di favorire l’incontro tra rievocazione e dimenticanza, rendendo il soggetto protagonista e allo stesso tempo spettatore dei fatti narrati. Accanto alle crescenti possibilità di uso terapeutico che la scrittura autobiografica consente, quali elaborazione di un trauma, interpretazione del testo e funzione riparatrice, riappropriazione del proprio vissuto, ecc., non meno importante è la possibilità che essa offre come ammortizzatore emotivo nel momento di crisi del soggetto, in quanto proprio l’appuntamento con la scrittura, e quindi con se stessi, consente di rimanere ancorati alla realtà e lontani dal pericolo di smarrimento esistenziale, in virtù proprio dell’impegno di scrivere, che consente di oltrepassare, sebbene con piccoli movimenti, il luogo di inciampo esistenziale guadagnando gradualmente uno sguardo più lungo sulle vicende narrate.La mia esperienza di scrittura autobiografica va in questa direzione. Essa non è soltanto il racconto di un accadimento difficile e complesso, ma la fotografia di un modo di essere, di agire e di guardare alle cose, di un mondo interiore insomma che si è offerto allo sguardo per il tramite della narrazione autobiografica. La scrittura ha avuto una forte capacità non solo di raffigurazione, ma anche di trasformazione. Quest’ultima, grazie alla scrittura, è ancora in corso.
Ciao Caterina.Lettera sulla soglia: dalla scrittura alla metariflessione
Tiziana Iaquinta
The experience of autobiographical writing is both educational and full of meaning. It can be seen as a sort of magnifying glass through which you can look at your own life picking all the small details and hidden meanings, the ones that often slip away while speaking, in the words that are not just spoken but are often the key to interpret the events, attitudes and behaviors. It is a transformative and educational experience that usually returns a subject who is aware of oneself, of his abilities, skills, possibilities and experiences. My involvement in autobiographical writing goes in this direction. Telling a story means, first of all, telling a story to yourself, since the act of remembering engages the person in a double-writing process: the fact/the event, that is the subject of the story, and the author. The autobiographical writing does have the ability to put into dialogue the dimensions of the mind, conscious and unconscious ones, to make interact external reality with internal reality, to promote the matching between commemoration and forgetfulness, making the person protagonist and at the same time spectator of the events.A long side the growing possibility of the therapeutic use of autobiographical writing: processing of a trauma, interpretation of the text and restorative function, re-appropriation of your own life, etc., not less important is the possibility that it offers as an emotional shock absorber in the moment of crisis of the person, since his appointment with the writing, and then with himself, keeps him anchored to reality and away from the danger of existential confusion, by virtue of his commitment in writing, which allows him to cross, albeit with small movements, the place of existential stumbling gradually gaining a longer a further look on the events told.My experience on autobiographical writing goes in this direction. It is not only the story of a difficult and complex event but the picture of a way of being, acting and looking at things, of an inner world in brief, that was offered to the eye by means of autobiographical storytelling. The writing had a strong ability to not only of representation but also of transformation. The latter, thanks to writing, is still ongoing.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.