The work examines the issues of reception and integration of asylum seekers and refugees, considering how the management of widespread hospitality, especially in the more internal Calabrian areas, characterized by strong depopulation and social-economic depression, can be an opportunity for growth and enhancement of the territorial peculiarities, through the implementation of pathways of social and economic inclusion and not merely assistance; pathways which, in parallel, could be a resource to promote local development and employment, with the use of local populations in skilled work positions, in the hospitality circuit, and be a way to combat the chronic demographic crisis and the depopulation of many areas. In the light of subsidiarity, it is examined how the implementation of widespread hospitality requires synergistic action and constant collaboration of local authorities at the various levels, and of those involved in the Third Sector, Volunteering and Social Private; so that it is conducted in a way that respects the peculiarities of the territory and is capable of promoting real integration and social cohesion. In this sense, we examine the Calabrian experience which, in some small centres, has brought forward virtuous pioneering examples of the reception of refugees and asylum seekers, later included in the integrated national Sprar network. It is also considered that, after a period of slowdown, due to the chronic fragility of the economic reality of Calabria and the discontinuity of political interventions, with the new European Operational Programs and with the last three-year Regional Plan for the reception and integration of migrants, adopted in June 2019 and planned by l.r. n. 18/2009, a new impetus could be given to the projects of reception and integration in the territory, enhancing the most virtuous examples and seeking solutions to the most complex situations. The Plan also aims to protect people who, with the application of Law No. 132/2018, are placed outside the Sprars, because they lack the most restrictive requirements for access to the new System (Siproimi).
R. Caridà (par. 4, 5, 5.1); V. Pupo (par. 1, 2, 3, 6), par. 7 (entrambe le autrici). Il lavoro esamina le questioni dell’accoglienza e dell’integrazione di migranti richiedenti asilo e rifugiati, considerando come la gestione dell’ospitalità diffusa, specie nelle aree calabresi più interne, caratterizzate da forte spopolamento e depressione socio-economica, possa essere un’occasione di crescita e valorizzazione delle peculiarità territoriali, tramite l’implementazione di percorsi di inserimento sociali ed economici e non meramente assistenziali; percorsi che, parallelamente, potrebbero essere una risorsa per favorire lo sviluppo locale e l’occupazione, con l’impiego delle popolazioni locali in posizioni di lavoro qualificate, nel circuito dell’accoglienza, e costituire un modo per contrastare la cronica crisi demografica e lo spopolamento di molte aree. Nell’ottica della sussidiarietà, si analizza come l’attuazione di un’ospitalità diffusa richieda l’azione sinergica e la collaborazione costante degli enti pubblici territoriali, ai vari livelli, e dei soggetti del Terzo settore, del volontariato e del privato sociale, affinché sia condotta in modo rispettoso delle peculiarità del territorio e in grado di promuovere reale integrazione e coesione sociale. In tal senso, si esamina l’esperienza calabrese che, in alcuni piccoli centri, ha portato avanti esempi pioneristici virtuosi di accoglienza di rifugiati e richiedenti asilo, in seguito inseriti nella rete nazionale integrata degli Sprar. Si considera, altresì, come, dopo un periodo di rallentamenti, dovuto alle croniche fragilità della realtà economica calabrese e alla discontinuità degli interventi politici, con i nuovi programmi operativi europei e con l’ultimo Piano regionale triennale per l’accoglienza e l’integrazione dei migranti, varato nel giugno del 2019 e previsto dalla l.r. n. 18/2009, si potrebbe dare nuovo impulso ai progetti di accoglienza ed integrazione sul territorio, valorizzando gli esempi più virtuosi e ricercando soluzioni alle situazioni più complesse. Il Piano si propone anche di tutelare le persone che, con l’applicazione della legge n. 132/2018, sono poste al di fuori degli Sprar, poiché prive dei più restrittivi requisiti previsti per l’accesso al nuovo Sistema (Siproimi).
Modelli di accoglienza diffusa in Calabria e sussidiarietà
R. Carida'
;V. Pupo
The work examines the issues of reception and integration of asylum seekers and refugees, considering how the management of widespread hospitality, especially in the more internal Calabrian areas, characterized by strong depopulation and social-economic depression, can be an opportunity for growth and enhancement of the territorial peculiarities, through the implementation of pathways of social and economic inclusion and not merely assistance; pathways which, in parallel, could be a resource to promote local development and employment, with the use of local populations in skilled work positions, in the hospitality circuit, and be a way to combat the chronic demographic crisis and the depopulation of many areas. In the light of subsidiarity, it is examined how the implementation of widespread hospitality requires synergistic action and constant collaboration of local authorities at the various levels, and of those involved in the Third Sector, Volunteering and Social Private; so that it is conducted in a way that respects the peculiarities of the territory and is capable of promoting real integration and social cohesion. In this sense, we examine the Calabrian experience which, in some small centres, has brought forward virtuous pioneering examples of the reception of refugees and asylum seekers, later included in the integrated national Sprar network. It is also considered that, after a period of slowdown, due to the chronic fragility of the economic reality of Calabria and the discontinuity of political interventions, with the new European Operational Programs and with the last three-year Regional Plan for the reception and integration of migrants, adopted in June 2019 and planned by l.r. n. 18/2009, a new impetus could be given to the projects of reception and integration in the territory, enhancing the most virtuous examples and seeking solutions to the most complex situations. The Plan also aims to protect people who, with the application of Law No. 132/2018, are placed outside the Sprars, because they lack the most restrictive requirements for access to the new System (Siproimi).I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.