The paper examines the case of the civic access request to the agreement between Italy and Niger and how this legal remedy can be useful to share with the community the content of international agreements in simplified form. These agreements, according to a common practice that conflicts whit Constitution, are signed by Government without the prior legislative authorization to ratify, required by art. 80 of the Constitution in particular issues. Therefore, civic access is important in order to allow a democratic control on Goverment’s foreign policy, given that the Parliament allows its own prerogatives to be mortified. However, this instrument cannot replace parliamentary scrutiny. For this reason, it would be desirable that parliamentary oversight on the most important international decisions regains its central role.
Nell’articolo si esamina la vicenda dell’istanza di accesso civico all’accordo Italia/Niger, che ha messo in luce come questo strumento giuridico possa essere funzionale a portare a conoscenza della collettività il contenuto di accordi internazionali in forma semplificata, che, secondo una prassi consolidata, ma in aperto contrasto con la Costituzione, sono conclusi dal Governo in mancanza della preventiva autorizzazione legislativa alla ratifica, prevista dall’art. 80 Cost. in specifiche materie. L’accesso civico si rivela, dunque, un utile mezzo per consentire un controllo democratico sulla politica estera del Governo, a fronte dell’acquiescenza delle Camere a veder mortificate le proprie prerogative in materia, pur non potendo sostituirsi ad esso. È, pertanto, auspicabile un recupero della centralità del sindacato parlamentare sulle più rilevanti decisioni che impegnano lo Stato italiano al livello internazionale.
Le istanze di accesso civico come strumenti di trasparenza democratica in tema di accordi internazionali in forma semplificata
Valentina Pupo
The paper examines the case of the civic access request to the agreement between Italy and Niger and how this legal remedy can be useful to share with the community the content of international agreements in simplified form. These agreements, according to a common practice that conflicts whit Constitution, are signed by Government without the prior legislative authorization to ratify, required by art. 80 of the Constitution in particular issues. Therefore, civic access is important in order to allow a democratic control on Goverment’s foreign policy, given that the Parliament allows its own prerogatives to be mortified. However, this instrument cannot replace parliamentary scrutiny. For this reason, it would be desirable that parliamentary oversight on the most important international decisions regains its central role.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.