This paper analyses the evolution of tomato cultivation and processing in Italy, from the first significant expansion at the beginning of the twentieth century, to the crisis of the thirties and forties, from the recovery of the second post-war period to the subsequent take-off. The areas most involved in this activity are identified, the effects of the extension of plantations on the Italian agricultural economy are evaluated, and the main industrial acti vities that derived from the processing of fresh produce are described. Since exports were an important driver for the growth of the entire production chain, particular attention is paid to international trade and the role played by the numerous communities of Italians abroad in promoting the sales of Italian tomato preserves
L’articolo analizza lo sviluppo della coltivazione e della lavorazione dei pomodori in Italia, dalla prima significativa espansione agli inizi del Novecento alla crisi degli anni Trenta e Quaranta, dalla ripresa del secondo dopoguerra al successivo decollo. Si individuano le aree maggiormente coinvolte in queste attività, si valutano gli effetti dell’estensione delle piantagioni sull’economia agricola italiana e si descrivono le principali attività industriali derivate dalla trasformazione del prodotto fresco. Poiché le esportazioni furono un vo lano importante per la crescita dell’intera filiera produttiva, un’attenzione particolare viene rivolta ai commerci internazionali e al ruolo svolto dalle numerose comunità di italiani all’estero nel promuovere le vendite delle conserve di pomodoro italiane.
L'industria del pomodoro in scatola e l'emigrazione italiana
Renato Ghezzi
This paper analyses the evolution of tomato cultivation and processing in Italy, from the first significant expansion at the beginning of the twentieth century, to the crisis of the thirties and forties, from the recovery of the second post-war period to the subsequent take-off. The areas most involved in this activity are identified, the effects of the extension of plantations on the Italian agricultural economy are evaluated, and the main industrial acti vities that derived from the processing of fresh produce are described. Since exports were an important driver for the growth of the entire production chain, particular attention is paid to international trade and the role played by the numerous communities of Italians abroad in promoting the sales of Italian tomato preservesI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.