Mixed jurisdictions that are a historical by-product of the convergence of common and civil law traditions may give the impression of entities with stable and fixed traits. Upon closer look however, this impression is found to be inaccurate. An analysis of Court judgements is the best way to evaluate how these legal systems develop. This paper focuses on Maltese private law, which is firmly rooted in the French legal tradition. Some issues concerning private law will be discussed solely because they are significant examples of the relevance that judgements have for the development of the system, notwithstanding the fact that the doctrine of binding precedent is not followed in Malta. Through an inquiry of specific issues not expressly provided by the legislature, one can see if the legal system has evolved in a way which is coherent with the models that lie at its foundations or from which, and in what way, it has departed from them. In the case of Malta, foreign influences are incorporated to the extent that they are consistent with the Maltese legal tradition.
I sistemi misti che sono storicamente un prodotto della convergenza di civil e common law possono dare l'impressione di avere caratteri stabili e ben definiti. Ad uno sguardo più attento, tuttavia questa impressione non è del tutto corretta.. Un'analisi della giurisprudenza è il modo migliore di valutare in che modo questi sistemi giuridici si siano sviluppati. In questo saggio si sofferma l'attenzione sul diritto privato maltese, saldamente ancorato alla tradizione giuridica francese. Alcune questioni saranno discusse perché indice della rilevanza riconosciuta al formante giurisprudenziale, nonostante il principio del precedente vincolante non sia stato recepito nel sistema maltese. Attraverso un'analisi delle specifiche questioni non regolate dal legislatore, si può vedere se il sistema giuridico maltese si sia evoluto coerentemente ai modelli che ne hanno costituito fonte d'ispirazione, o da essi invece si sia discostato, ed in quale misura. Si vedrà come nel sistema maltese le influenze del diritto straniero siano state assimilate nella misura in cui fossero compatibili con la tradizione maltese.
The role of judges in the development of mixed legal systems: the case of Malta
Mixed jurisdictions that are a historical by-product of the convergence of common and civil law traditions may give the impression of entities with stable and fixed traits. Upon closer look however, this impression is found to be inaccurate. An analysis of Court judgements is the best way to evaluate how these legal systems develop. This paper focuses on Maltese private law, which is firmly rooted in the French legal tradition. Some issues concerning private law will be discussed solely because they are significant examples of the relevance that judgements have for the development of the system, notwithstanding the fact that the doctrine of binding precedent is not followed in Malta. Through an inquiry of specific issues not expressly provided by the legislature, one can see if the legal system has evolved in a way which is coherent with the models that lie at its foundations or from which, and in what way, it has departed from them. In the case of Malta, foreign influences are incorporated to the extent that they are consistent with the Maltese legal tradition.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.