A systematic review on interpersonal factors and proenvironmental behaviors across adolescence: the role of parents and peers
2024-01-01 Papa, F.; Cuzzocrea, F.; Cannavo', M; Liga, F.; Gugliandolo, Mc
Alexithymia in a Self Determination Theory Framework: The interplay of Psychological Basic Needs, Parental Autonomy Support and Psychological Control
2023-01-01 Barberis, Nadia; Cannavò, Marco; Cuzzocrea, Francesca; Verrastro, Valeria
Assessing anxious symptomatology in young adults and their mothers: an intergenerational study in the context of Self-Determination Theory
2022-01-01 Barberis, N; Papa, F.; Cannavo', M.
Body mass index and quality of life in individuals with polycystic ovary syndrome: Dysmorphic concerns and eating disorders as mediators
2022-01-01 Barberis, N.; Calaresi, D.; Cannavo', M; Verrastro, V.
Civic communication to preserve ecosystems: an exploratory study to mediation role of life goals on marine environmental responsibility
2022-01-01 Papa, F.; Cannavo', M.; Costa, S.; Larcan, R.; Cuzzocrea, F.
Cognitive functioning and sports practices
2018-01-01 Lenzo, V.; Magaudda, L.; Cannavo', M.; Capocasale, A.; Riposo, S.; Scarfò, M. C.; Vadalà, M.; Quattropani, M. C.
Emotion dysregulation and problematic social media use: the role of need fulfillment and fear of missing out
2024-01-01 Saladino, Valeria; Verrastro, Valeria; Cannavo', Marco; Calaresi, Danilo; Barberis, Nadia
Emotion recognition in individuals wearing facemasks: a preliminary analysis of age-related differences
2023-01-01 Cuzzocrea, F; Gugliandolo, M. C.; Cannavo', M.; Liga, F.
Expressive Regulation Ability As A Predictor Of Quality Of Life
2019-01-01 Barberis, Nadia; Petralia Maria, Cristina; Cannavo, Marco; Falcone, Joseph; Sardella, Alberto; Martino, Gabriella
Factors of Distress in Endometriosis: The interplay between Trait Emotional Intelligence and Pain
2022-01-01 Barberis, N.; Cannavo', M.; Cuzzocrea, F.
Healthy and binge eating behaviours: the motivational processes underlying peer pressure
2021-01-01 Barberis, Nadia; Gugliandolo Maria, Cristina; Costa, Sebastiano; Cannavò, Marco
Homophobia in sports: analysis of a sample of students of sports and health science
2018-01-01 Lenzo, V.; Valerio, P.; Scandurra, C.; Cannavo', M.; Capocasale, A.; Riposo, S.; Scarfò, M. C.; Vadalà, M.; Quattropani, M. C.
Illness perceptions and factors of distress as mediators between trait emotional intelligence and quality of life in endometriosis
2023-01-01 Barberis, N.; Cannavo', M.; Cuzzocrea, F.; Saladino, V.; Verrastro, V.
Impatto della malattia e fattori di distress in soggetti con emicrania: Il ruolo della funzione riflessiva e delle esperienze traumatiche
2023-01-01 Barberis, Nadia; Saladino, Valeria; Verrastro, Valeria; Calaresi, Danilo; Cannavo', Marco
Linking environmental pressures and trait emotional intelligence to eating symptomatology: the mediating role of unhealthy body self-perceptions
2023-01-01 Cannavo', Marco; Cella, Stefania; Calaresi, Danilo; Verrastro, Valeria; Barberis, Nadia
Linking Trait Emotional Intelligence and Dark Triad to Social Media Addiction and Engagement: the mediating role of Fear of Missing out
2021-01-01 Barberis, Nadia; Cannavo', Marco; Catena Quattropani, Maria; Verrastro, Valeria
Linking types of emotion regulation to proenvironment behaviors: a mediational model with eco-empathy and helplessness beliefs towards the environment
2022-01-01 Liga, F; Cannavo', M; Papa, F; Cuzzocrea, F.
Mediation of anger rumination on pathways from trait mindfulness to binge eating symptoms and general distress
2023-01-01 Barberis, Nadia; Saladino, Valeria; Verrastro, Valeria; Calaresi, Danilo; Cannavo', Marco
2023-01-01 Barberis, Nadia; Calaresi, Danilo; Cannavo', Marco; Iona, Teresa
Pathways from Trait Emotional Intelligence to factors of distress in Rosacea: The mediating role of Social Phobia and Self-Esteem
2023-01-01 Barberis, Nadia; Cannavo', Marco; Trovato, Mariachiara; Verrastro, Valeria